2022-2027 Strategic Plan

In September 2022, the Foundation’s Board of Directors approved the following Strategic Plan for 2022-2027 acknowledging that the plan will require scalability and/or amendment each year following the Foundation’s annual budgeting process and identification of any budget constraints.

Objective 1 – Increase Access to Justice in Remote and Northern Manitoba.

  • Build relationships with Indigenous organizations and determine what access to justice (A2J) means to Indigenous communities.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders and other organizations seeking to advance A2J in remote and Northern Manitoba.
  • Understand infrastructure limitations and other barriers to justice in remote and Northern communities.
  • Understand remote and Northern Manitoba lawyer shortages (if any).
  • Understand and develop a list of A2J issues in remote and Northern Manitoba.
  • Make Calls for Applications and award funding to increase A2J in remote and Northern Manitoba.

Objective 2 –  Increase Access to Justice in Rural Manitoba.

  • Collaborate with stakeholders and other organizations seeking to advance A2J in rural Manitoba.
  • Understand infrastructure limitations and barriers to justice in Manitoba’s rural communities.
  • Understand rural Manitoba lawyer shortages (if any).
  • Understand and develop a list of A2J issues in rural Manitoba.
  • Make Calls for Applications and award funding to increase A2J in Rural Manitoba.

Objective 3 – Enhance the Profile of the Foundation.

  • Develop new logo and brand.
  • Develop communications plan with consideration to all the Foundation’s stakeholders and audiences (existing and desired).
    • Increase marketing activities and social media presence with a view to:
    • Increase the accessibility of the Foundation.
    • Increase engagement of the legal profession in advancing the Foundation’s mandate; and
  • Feature and highlight:
    • Grant opportunities & awards;
    • Grant recipients & their work;
    • Foundation initiatives; and
    • A2J efforts and networking opportunities in Manitoba.